In October we went on an overnight trip to Orlando. We saw Cat Power at Firestone and it was truly unforgetable...a few distracting on-stage breakdowns, but otherwise a superstar performance. We shared the hotel with Ursus was interesting and strange! We also watched cable!
We completed the exterior of the laundry room and wired the interior. Progress continues... We also bought faceshields which we now refer to as helmets. It protected me from a screw laden board that fell and struck my helmet instead of my vulnerable head. It didn't protect my extremities when I fell from a step stool. I'm now nursing a sore left knee, but in the tradition of noncompliance I've done next to nothing to make it better.
The chickens are well and we have two juvenile chickens (a cockerelle and a pullet) and we have a chick. One of our broody hens sat on her eggs to the bitter end. We tried to break her, but she ended up getting weak and finally died. The cockerelle escaped the coop last week and Buckley found him. Good boy.
We also enjoyed the week of Thanksgiving off from work. We realized that we hadn't had a vacation since our last trip to San Fran 9 months ago. This explains the exhaustion. We cooked a Thanksgiving feast and hosted Anthony and Faye. We took a couple laps around the field and napped after. Autumn has arrived in Florida and the almost all the leaves fell from the trees today.